Monday, March 31, 2008

Alison and Ethan

We volunteered to babysit our friends three kids last Thursday night while Heather (their mom) was teaching her birthing class. Jonathan is Hayley's age. Brennan is Andrew's age (and Andrew's best friend) and Ethan is Alison's age. Believe it or not Ethan is about a week and a half younger than Alison. She's just my petite little girl. We also babysat a six year old little girl (Emma). Needless to say our house was hopping with 10 kids that night, plus Hayley's friend Morgan spent the night too.


Here are some pictures of our cat Oreo lounging about.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alison has been kind of fussy for a couple of days, so I was feeling around in her mouth just to check. And sure enough, I felt a little bump in the bottom of her mouth. She has her first tooth! Although, I am thrilled, it still makes me kind of sad. She is growing so fast and before you know it her baby years will be gone. And since, she is our last child (planned one anyway) all these first moments seem even more sentimental. And you just want to hold on to them. Do you know what I mean? On the other hand it is so much fun, to watch her grow and do things that she couldn't do before.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

We took some pictures of our Easter egg hunt yesterday. We invited two other families over to eat dinner and do the hunt with us. Thirteen kids total!!! And that doesn't even count the neighbor kids that came over to help!! We had a blast though.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Alison loves her big sister Hayley, just as much as Hayley loves her little sister. Can't you just see the joy that they have?

March 18, 2008

We took the younger kids to the mall to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. My friend Monica is working at the mall as the Easter Bunny this year. After a lot of coaxing and a ton of tries we finally were able to get everyone looking at the camera. I think they look pretty darn cute!!