My beautiful 9 1/2 year old daughter, Hayley. She has grown so much this year. She was really hesitant about making a big move but has made a huge effort to come out of her shell and not be shy. She has been doing really well with that. She even likes Arizona, something that she was determined not to do.
She is so talented in so many things. She is very artistic. She is receiving an award this Friday for a poster that she created for Red Ribbon week (say no to drugs propaganda). Shhhh...don't tell her, it's a surprise.
Hayley is in the 4th Grade this year and so far has almost straight all A's. (she got her first B) She is learning Braille this year. There is a girl in her class who is blind, so the whole class has been learning to read and type Braille.
Hayley also is learning to play the trumpet this year and according to her band teacher is doing quite well. We look forward to hearing her play at the band concert next month.
Hayley loves to swim. She is thinking about joining a swim team next summer. She took a swim test for the lifeguards this year and they were very impressed with how fast a swimmer she was. She even beat her older brothers. It would be a fun thing to see Hayley develop this talent.
Hayley also enjoys dancing. She has been dancing since she was two years old. She has done mostly tap and ballet, with one year of Jazz. She had decided to take a break after her recital this past summer. But, she is really starting to miss it and has been asking to take lessons again. So, it looks like we will be signing her back up for dance next year.
Hayley is very involved with the Activity Day Girls at church as well. She loves to go to the planned activities with all the other girls her age.
I am so very proud of Hayley. I love watching her grow up and seeing her excitement as she discovers and learns to develop all of her talents.
I remember Hailey as a little girl, way back when we knew each other in Arizona about 8 years ago! How time fly's! She really does look so pretty, and is accomplishing so much. I am sure that she is a great example to her siblings. I enjoyed your post. Have a great day!
She is beautiful. How is dance going for her? I am glad she is not so shy anymore.
You sure can tell whose daughter she is :) I see a little Christi but not a exact copy of course:)
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