Monday, November 10, 2008

Blowin' in the Wind

It was an extremely windy day yesterday. The forecast said that the winds would gust up to 35 miles an hour, but I think it was much stronger than that. Anyway we were about to walk out the door to go to church when someone just happened to glance in the backyard and saw our pool had flipped over and was trying to blow over the fence. We had emptied it earlier in the week, because we were going clean it and put it away while we re-landscaped our yard.

Well, we had to spend a good 45 minutes taking pool down before it blew away. Everyone was filthy and had to change clothes before we could finally head off to church. Needless to say we were late. Jon said he had never seen the kids more willing to help than they were yesterday. I think they were more fascinated by the wind than anything. They do like their pool too.


Tricia said...

What an amazing excuse - I mean reason - to be sooo late for church! haha :) I'll not be trying that one any day soon. My favorite picture is of Jon squinting - no, I love Hayley's hair blowing UP. Wowzer.

MANDY said...

Hey, didn't know you guys moved to Arizona!! I'll have to keep up with you on here now. Good to see you.

The Blood Family said...

Those crazy winds. we have a few similar stories too! but they make good memories!